The Divine Father/Mother have impressed upon me their deep desire to know each of us. And they have impressed upon me that sharing my experiences is helpful to that I share today; Notes on Meditation... For me Meditation is the Divine … [Read more...]
Unconditional Love Remembers
These are some ideas I wrote down about unconditional love this morning to help me remember as I go through this day... Unconditional Love sees beyond the learned behavior to the real self that continues to shine forth. Unconditional love sees and … [Read more...]
Unconditional Love Revealed
Unconditional Love Revealed by Anne Partain 12/09/19 I keep thinking about how children love their parents. When we are really little, and connected to our inner knowing, we hardly even notice when our parents do it wrong. We are sorry … [Read more...]
What Would You Say to the World?
I asked this question during my meditation time, "What would you say to the world?" And here is the answer from Spirit, "I love you, I'm very proud of you. I've seen how hard it's been and I've watched you try. And I've seen your … [Read more...]
My Teachers and Gurus by Anne Partain
Hi Friends, I wanted to be sure to recognize, appreciate and share with you; this list of teachers and Gurus who continue to be there, or their ideas continue to be there, for me when I need them. They do more for me than I can say. Also, it's … [Read more...]