The Divine Father/Mother have impressed upon me their deep desire to know each of us. And they have impressed upon me that sharing my experiences is helpful to that end…so I share today; Notes on Meditation…
For me Meditation is the Divine calling me away to spend time with me in the quiet;
to share Himself/Herself with me.
To share healing for my emotions and physicality.
To show me how things work.
To make her love for me known.
It’s kind of like a date, I give her my attention, the best I can, and she leads the way.
It is the most powerful part of my day. She brings me one beautiful awareness after another and I give her my heart, my trust and my willingness.
She helps me untangle my thinking, a little at a time. Just like one might entangle a snarled head of hair.
Dear Divine Mother/Father, please call me to you and show me your love, and show me that I am Thee.