The Divine Father/Mother have impressed upon me their deep desire to know each of us. And they have impressed upon me that sharing my experiences is helpful to that I share today; Notes on … [Read More...]

I'm so glad you stopped by.
Amidst all the pain and confusion you are a beautiful soul.
Who loves deeply and feels deeply and tries so hard.
Yes, I see you, and I appreciate you.
Remember, you are doing the best you can at this moment,
So be easy with yourself, embrace what is and trust...
and Life will take you to the next step.
The story goes that when Merlin sent the knights
of the round table into the woods to find the holy grail
he told them they would need to each create their own path.
And if they found themselves on another's path to get off of it immediately.
May we all wait when we don't know, and act when we do...
May we ask for direction and trust for the answers...
and may we know that we are matter what.
Your way is just as good as any other way,
and the best way for you.
You are beautiful and perfect. You want to do right and good. You are very wonderful in my eyes!
We all need a face, a face that is telling us we are beautiful and easy to love and that everything about us is reason for celebration!
Someone to reflect back the celebration of you!
I offer my face here, bring it to your meditation. Hear me telling you that I am proud of you and always have been. See me smiling, no matter what you are grappling with.
I really do love you and I know who you are!
Sweet comfort my loves,
This Powerful Personal Journal is filled with wisdom gleaned from a decade of my Meditation/Contemplation time. It's purpose is to inspire and encourage you as you spend time with and get to know the Divine within you.
Each page has an idea that came to me during my own meditation. An idea that builds a new context for Life; one of unconditional love, peace and joy. Meditate on the ideas and write your thoughts, questions and ideas.
This is Book 1 in a series of 3 Meditation Journals created to help the earnest seeker find a deeper relationship with the Divine within.
Learn More and Order NowThe Divine Father/Mother have impressed upon me their deep desire to know each of us. And they have impressed upon me that sharing my experiences is helpful to that I share today; Notes on … [Read More...]
These are some ideas I wrote down about unconditional love this morning to help me remember as I go through this day... Unconditional Love sees beyond the learned behavior to the real self that … [Read More...]
Unconditional Love Revealed by Anne Partain 12/09/19 I keep thinking about how children love their parents. When we are really little, and connected to our inner knowing, we hardly even … [Read More...]
I asked this question during my meditation time, "What would you say to the world?" And here is the answer from Spirit, "I love you, I'm very proud of you. I've seen how hard it's been … [Read More...]
Hi Friends, I wanted to be sure to recognize, appreciate and share with you; this list of teachers and Gurus who continue to be there, or their ideas continue to be there, for me when I need them. … [Read More...]
As I've traveled along my path, I've worked to let go of people, worries, fears, cares, concerns, self doubt and self hate. In the last several weeks there has been some letting go of a very basic … [Read More...]
In all the world there is no place like our earth. There's no other place anywhere in close proximity to us that has the beauty and splendor and balance and harmony and majesty and serenity … [Read More...]
Today I see that I give a lot...and it's enough. I give enough. I'm always trying to give enough. And where there's not enough, there's never enough. I can also see that the … [Read More...]
We had the privilege of joining our friends recently when they picked up their children from summer camp. It was 8 year old Matt's first year to be at the two week camp. We heard from the … [Read More...]
While I don't read other peoples words very often, I do still consult the reference sections of these books, especially during my meditation/contemplation times, for clues about myself and … [Read More...]
If you are an Abraham-Hicks fan, then chances are you've heard these beautiful Permission Giving words before. I first heard them over a decade ago when I began to listen to Abraham daily on … [Read More...]
“When I think about unity and who I am really…I remember that I am now having billions of experiences, and each one is wanted. And if this experience I call Anne ends, there are still plenty to enjoy.” ~ap